Our entertainment packages will surprise you
No1. Cruise Entertainment Packages
The guests experience a unique show in every destination on their journey with you.
_ 14 Day Cruise, 12 Shows, riveting, informative, full of local traditions, finest musical quality
No2. Single Show Concepts
All over Europe, in every destination we have just the musical program for you.
Why deal with ensembles and artists directly, pay higher prices, have limited influence over quality and show details - and just think about the headache of finding new musicians when you cannot rely on the ones you have!
We offer you the same entertainment packages, at the same prices or better, of a higher standard and take over all the logistical background tasks so the only thing you have to worry about is where to fit us in next on your cruises.
Unbeatable Price Structures and Advantages
Your season budget is almost at the limit but you still want to offer your guests a top quality show that is still unique and they could not find on another fleet? I'm sure we've got something for you - tell us your keyfacts and let us make you an offer you can not refuse.
- Every aspect will be coordinated by one source
- Access to local expertise in regionally typical entertainment throughout Europe
- A bespoke event scheduling and management software to handle the day to day aspects of show business
- And - of course - high class professionals with 'river experience'
From Expert to Expert
Having a partner who works effectively under pressure and time constraints, makes the best out of the space available on board, efficiently manages artists who must board and disembark like clock work, a partner able to cater to the large range of expectations of a multicultural clientele viewing the same show… does not only give you more time to focus on other important aspects of the cruise but also a peace of mind.
By working on and along Europe’s rivers for almost a decade, we are in the unique position to have routinely worked through the different processes and stages of various types of on-board entertainment over and over again.
Exclusive Show Concepts
For us it is essential to take into consideration where the guests are from and why they choose Europe as their holiday destination. Is it the culture and history of Europe, we make sure that the entertainment is regional and that the audience is entertained while also well informed about the region itself and it's (musical) traditions and have some interesting tales to take home. Is their number one reason for travelling with your fleet the luxury and great atmosphere while they are on vacation? We assure they will be provided with the most luxurious and high end entertainment with a personal touch.
Not only within one show but within the entire entertainment package there is a single unifying storyline, a musical journey that we take the audience on.
“Working with professionals at the highest level is a privilege, making every single moment a memorable experience that cultivates and nurtures existing musical traditions.”